Sunday, October 26, 2008

Frustrated Worshipper

I know that worship is a lifestyle and is not restricted to the sanctuary. However, every sunday, I look forward to corporate worship with my Matthian family. Ok, I must confess that there have been a few occassions, when I wanted to stay home and enjoy the warmth of my bed. But on this Lord's Day, I was truly excited about corporate worship and was eager to continue our sermon series, "Be-Attitudes". I mean, I woke up perky, I offered a word of thanksgiving, showered and tuned into the live broadcast of Pastor H. B. Charles, Jr. I was fired up and then corporate worship begun and so did my frustration. My frustration was the result of a fading microphone system, a dragging song service, poor worship flow and not to mention a lukewarm atmosphere. 

As a worship leader, I believe that the over all worship service should communiticate the gospel of Jesus Christ and not just certain aspects of the worship service. Therefore, I believe every aspect of the worship service should be carefully planned with allowance for the Holy Spirit to breathe upon it. I believe that every aspect of the worship should move towards a central theme or message for that particular Lord's day. I know that certain aspects of the worship service carries more weight than other parts of the worship services with those who attend worship services any given sunday. But, I contend that the average visiting worshiper, weighs the over all message of the worship service as a decisive factor for church membership.

Well, how does a preacher overcome his personal frustration and offer his preachment as an act of worship to the Lord? Prayer and faith. Pray for spiritual focus and trust the providence of God. I thank God for the spiritual discipline of prayer and the assurance of answered prayer. The Lord answered my prayer and I was glad about it.

Here is the message outline for message #3 in the sermon series entitled, "Be-Attitudes."

Be Ye Transformed
Romans 12:1-2
Thesis: God commands believers in Jesus Christ to participate in their own spiritual transformation by placing their lives at his disposal once and for all.

Transitional Sentence: Spiritual Transformation that results in holy living and services to God, requires..., requires that we... and it requires that our...

I. Absolute Commitment of Self-(1)
   A. The Motivation for our Commitment-(mercies of God)
   B. The Measurement for our Commitment-(living, holy and acceptable)
   C. The Mentality of our Commitment-(reasonable service)

II. Avoid Conformity to Society-(2a)
   A. Avoid Conformity to the Pressures of Society
   B. Avoid Conformity to the Patterns of Society
   C. Avoid Conformity to the Passions of Society

III. Attitude Changes Spiritually-(2b)
   A. A Spiritual Attitude is Demanded by the Word of God
   B. A Spiritual Attitude is the Divine Work of God
   C. A Spiritual Attitude Discerns the Will of God

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The Pastor/Preacher, especially in the African-American church is widely and ignorantly sterotyped as being money lovers. Over the years, I have heard my share of saints and aint's, but mostly saints, who purport the notion that all the Black Pastor/Preacher wants is the churches money. I must confess that there have been times when this sterotype has been true of some black and some white ministers. However, in a larger demographic context, this sterotype is simply untrue. There are countless Pastors/Preachers across this nation, black and white, who faithfully fulfill their calling and stewardship responsibilities without regards to money. Speaking from an African- American perspective and as an African-American Pastor, most African-American churches fall short, when it comes to their stewardship responsibility towards their Pastor. This in no way justifies the behavior of a few, but it does offer a talking point as why some feel tempted to do so. I believe, that if more congregations understood their biblical stewardship responsibility towards their Pastors and more Pastors taught biblical stewardship to their congregations, the number of ministers who are tempted to steal money will be greatly reduced. I believe biblical stewardship must become a priority of both pastor and people.  I further believe that those pastors and congregations who fully understand their stewardship responsibilities towards each other will be more fruitful for the kingdom. Fellow pastors, remember that we have no earthly union rep or lobbyist, but we do have God's word. I have discovered in my limited tenure in pastoral ministry that if we take care of God's buisness, he will take care of our buisness. So preach on preachers!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MIA-Missing In Action

Hello, my fellowbloggers, i have been missing in action for awhile, but i'm back. Over the past several weeks, i have done absolutely the bare minimum that i might enjoy my family and my pastoral love day activities. My congregation was very gracious and kind to me and my family as we celebreated five years as pastor and people. I thank God for this union, yes we have had our bumps and bruises, but by the grace of God, we are making it. Pastor Glenn P. Taylor preached a powerful, challenging, yet inspiring message entitled, By the Will of God from Ephesians 1:1. This pastoral celebration was special because my mother and aunt were present for the activities.