Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wiped Out

Wednesday is commonly known as hump day. Although, I made it over, i am mentally and physically wiped out. Don't get me wrong, i'm thankful to God for this day and give God the glory for all that was accomplished on today. However, after two Bible study classes, hospital visitations, prayer service, admin duties and one on one instruction, I'm drained. Today, i continued our Bible Study, How To Be A Christian Without Being Religious by Fritz Ridenour. It's based on Paul's letter to the church at Rome. It has been a challenging, but rewarding study. We are in chapter two of the book, entitled Does God Grade On A Curve? The answer is of course a resounding no. Many seek to reach up to God through religious activities in hope that their religious activities will make them right with God. However, Christianity simply responds to what God has done in Jesus Christ by faith. Many members of our congregation have expressed their profound appreciation for this particular study. I thank God for this study, I'm witnessing many of our people being delivered from their religious treadmills. God be praised!!!


Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Pastor Lane, It sounds as though you are doing what all Pastors should do besides bringing in the lost sheep. Maturing the saints/church folk. We should always be growing. It is amazing how even the oldest member of the church needs continual guidance and understanding of the word. To become more and more like Christ, recongnizing the power of God in our lives.

God does NOT grade on a curve. He says what He means, and He means what He says.

Thank you Pastor for sharing. By the way, Momma sure you pace yourself during your pastoral duties. She wants you to stay healthy.

Be blessed,

Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

Pastor Lane,

Thanks for your dedication and diligence in the are of discipleship and "equipping the saints." Man, it sounds like a wonderful book and study series. I am sure that the flock will witness much spiritual fruit from such will thought and intentional leadership.


Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

I enjoyed your post! Keep up the good work. Be blessed in Christ.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Where are you? Been waiting to hear from you. Hope all is well.
